Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Industry Event

A few days ago, I co-produced a party to reintroduce a number of my friends and colleagues to each other, prior to the Fall 2010 social season. We all get so busy with our respective businesses, once season begins, I thought it would be fun to meet and greet in a relaxed enviornment.
We met at the cool new showroom of T E Couture Linenswww.telinens.com, and with the help of co-hosts, Jennifer Johnson from Jennifer's KitchenJennifersfinefood.com, Signature Party Rentalwww.signatureparty.com, and several others. It was a great way to get into the party mood for a new season.

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Dream Client

I've been looking over photos of some of the design projects from last season, and a thought came to mind. What makes a dream client? It's always nice to have a big budget, but money often isn't what inspires creativity. For me, what gets my creative juices flowing, is having a client who can bring something essential of themselves to the table (pun intended). One of my favorite practices, when designing a table scape, is to incorporate objects from the client's possessions. Rooting through bookcases, cuboards, pantries, even the garage, can produce a treasure house of items.
One of my favorite dream clients had recently travelled to India and brought back textiles, jade beads, and a score of exotic objects. She decided to host a house party to share with her friends the food and feel of her trip, and asked my help in setting the stage. Here's what we did.

Monday, August 30, 2010

Going Viral

We've just gone viral at Madison Workshop West! We've joined forces with Kimberly Nichols, truly a force to be reckoned with, and she's helping us understand the pros and cons of social networking as it applies to the world of business.

I'm working on this blog and joining Facebook as well.

The pictures you are looking at are from an event that I participated in last spring. It was the annual fundraiser for the Palm Springs Art Museum, called The Day In The Garden.

I worked with a lovely group of ladies from the Vintage Country Club, and created our luncheon around an Alice In Wonderland theme.

It was great fun making this fantasy come true, working outside on a beautiful Las Palmas estate, on an equally beautiful day.
